Subscription rates: £8 p.a. for Individual, £10 p.a. for Household. £5 joining fee for either.

For other types of membership (e.g. Corporate/Organisation) please contact the Membership Secretary or Treasurer.

Principal contact details

e.g. Village

This is the main phone number to contact you in the event of (for example) event cancellation.

Mobile phone number for above-named person if the main phone number is a land line.

Additional member

One additional member may be added here (other than for individual subscriptions). Other members can be added once the application has been processed.

Usually the personal mobile phone of the additional member.

At least the "First Name" box must be filled in order to create an additional member record.

Background information

I am interested in learning more about orchard management and fruit growing.

Orchard Management

Please tick all that apply

I am interested in research


please specify:

I have, or am hoping to plant some fruit of my own


please name

Fruit processing

Please tick all activities of particular interest.
Tick 'Cider club membership' if you are interested in participating in the communal cider-making activity

Add any other activities of particular interest

Please let us know how you learnt about us:

Amount due = £13

Amount due = £15

Sorry - no cheques

For administrative convenience, if you have not already paid in cash (or will not be doing so in the next week), please select the Direct Debit option. The direct debit scheme from GoCardless is one which you control and is fully backed up by the direct debit guarantee. You will be informed in advance of all payments that are due to be made and can cancel at any time.

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