© 2025• North Cumbria Orchard Group: Conserving, promoting and celebrating orchards in North Cumbria.
© 2025• North Cumbria Orchard Group: Conserving, promoting and celebrating orchards in North Cumbria.
The committee has discussed the pros and cons of a Facebook page at its meeting on February 5th and the general feeling was that:
To provide some of the benefits of Facebook, but without the exclusivity and with less interactivity, we decided to trial a “Scrapbook” page. This page is automatically built from emails sent in by members to the address scrapbook@ncorchards.co.uk. Images and other attachments may be attached to the email. This post is the first such item.
Members are free to send in emails to the Scrapbook, but please keep them fairly brief, not like this one (use News Reports in “My NCOG” for larger items) and do not attach multi-megabyte files. They should appear at https://ncorchards.co.uk/scrapbook within about 5 minutes of sending them. Our news editor will moderate entries as necessary.
Report by Mark Evens; Thursday, 6 February 2020
Contact: info@ncorchards.co.uk